Monday 22 July 2013

Indoor Plants

              Indoor plant is a plant that is grown in places such as residences and offices. Indoor plants are commonly used for decoration, positive psychological effects, or health reasons such as indoor air purification.
Indoor plants reduce indoor air pollution and they provide us fresh air. Plants can also remove CO2. Plants also appear to reduce airborne microbes and increase humidity.

Major factors that should be considered when caring for houseplants are;

Moisture is very important regarding growth of plants, both under-watering and over-watering can be dangerous to plant.
The best way to determine whether a plant needs water is to check the soil moisture. Before watering a plant you should check that either the soil in pots has reached an appropriate level of dryness, this level is different for different plant types.
Plants produce energy by the process of photosynthesis, and this process takes place in the presence of light. So, plants need an adequate amount and intensity of light for their survival.
3.Soil mixture;
Indoor plants are generally grown in specialized soils called potting compost or potting soil, instead of using local natural soil. A good potting compost mixture includes soil conditioners to provide the plant with nutrients, support, adequate drainage, and proper aeration.
Temperature requirements are different for many plants, mostly indoor plants growth in a climate which ranges from 15 °C to 25 °C (60 °F to 80 °F).
It is very difficult to control the humidity of the plants. To increase the humidity grouping plants closely together and not placing plants in dry and warm areas may be useful.
In potted plants soil nutrients eventually deplete. Adding fertilizer can artificially provide these nutrients. But adding unnecessary fertilizer can be very harmful to the plants.
Proper pot size is very important. A pot of big size may induce the root diseases due to increased moisture in soil. So, the pot size should according to plant size.
8.Pest control;
Pest control is also very important, you should regularly check your plants and if there is any pest attack then sprays should be used. And the plant having the pest attack should be separated from other plants.

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