Sunday 22 September 2013

Tips to Grow the Flowering Plants

Get the best soil:
Flowers, like all plants, need good soil in order to grow up strong and healthy. Regardless of whether you are planting your flowers in a pot or a garden, good soil is a must. Avoid soil that is heavy with clay, sand, or rocks, and that has a balanced pH near 7. Flowers need at least six inches of loose soil to start out growing in, so loosen up a top layer at least this deep.

Select best location:
Although flowers are typically easy to grow, they can’t be grown just anywhere. An area with too much direct sun or too much shade will be difficult for some flowers to grow in. Find a happy medium with a location that has sun and shade throughout the day.

Choose the flowers to grow:
First of all choose the best flowers for your garden. Growing from seeds, a small plant, bulbs, or a cutting requires nearly the same process, so focus on flowers that you enjoy and that will add a beautiful appearance to your yard.

Plant at the right time:
 Even with the perfect soil, ideal location, and healthy flowers, if you don’t plant at the right time your garden will be ruined. Flowers don’t do well in weather that is too cold or very hot, so go with the time in between these periods: spring. Although planting in the spring may seem obvious, there is an art to choosing the perfect time. Wait to plant flowers till at least two weeks after the most recent frost, and avoid planting until temperatures at night stay above freezing on a regular basis.

Water the plant regularly:
Take the time to give water to your flowers. Add appropriate amount of water to avoid damaging the petals or leaves.

Weed the area:
Don’t let weeds steal the nutrients, necessary for your plant, because they take nutrients from the soil and space in the ground that your flowers need to grow healthily. As you see them appear, pull out unsightly weeds from the soil around your flowers.

Add support:

 If your flowers are tall growing, over time they may become too heavy to stand on their own. Add bamboo stakes or forked branches upright in the ground for the plants to lean against or wrap around for support. This is particularly helpful and necessary for vine-y flowers which grow by wrapping around things.

Enjoy the amazing beauty in your garden. J

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