Sunday 22 September 2013

Growing Outdoor Plants

1- Choose a suitable place for the plant in your garden. Using a spade, dig a hole that's slightly bigger than the size of the pot that it's growing in.

2- Use a garden fork to loosen the base of the hole, mixing in a couple of handfuls of compost.

3- Place the plant in the hole, making sure that the top of the compost is at the same level as the surrounding soil. Use a cane placed across the top of the hole to check this level.

4- Fill around the rootball of the plant using the excavated soil and compost mix. Firm it in layers as you fill the hole so that there are no air pockets left in the soil.

5- Water the plant with at least one watering can full of water. And continue to water in this way at least once a week during dry weather for the whole of the first year after planting.

6- Protect the plant form pest and weeds, so that it will grow more easily.

Use your fingers to break up any lumps of soil that you use to fill in around the roots of the plant. This will help prevent large air spaces forming.

                                           GOOD LUCK J

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